In The Batman, Alfred informs Bruce of Mayor Mitchell’s murder and is surprised to learn that Batman has already investigated the crime scene. Remember Jeremy Irons in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League? He was communicating with Batman during his patrols, always up to date on all the action. One reason is that we’re used to seeing an Alfred that operates as mission control for Batman. But there seems to be more of a distance between Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne and Andy Serkis’s Alfred Pennyworth. It’s in the Geoff Johns and Gary Frank graphic novel Batman: Earth One and in Sean Pertwee and David Mazouz’s portrayals on TV’s Gotham. So, why does Bruce and Alfred’s relationship feel so different in this movie? This version of the butler clearly takes a more tough love approach, but we’ve seen that before. It’s a very nuanced relationship, which goes on an interesting emotional arc during the course of the film. It’s clear the two love one another, but it’s easy to be taken aback by how Bruce treats Alfred.

The intimacy and affection we’re used to between them is almost completely absent from Reeves and Peter Craig’s script.

One of these which hasn’t been spoken about much is Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth’s relationship. Matt Reeves’ The Batmanoffers a fresh perspective on the Dark Knight, with many elements reimagined or portrayed differently than we might be accustomed to seeing.